Makin friends in all the right places!

Ive left Thailand and am now in Vietnam, after leaving Ton Sai and Koh Phi Phi I met some really cool folks on the bus ride back up to Bangkok! A couple of Brits and two Dutch girls! We all had some fun together in Bangkok we went to Katchanburi for the day and saw the tiger temple where I was able to pet a tiger not a pup but a full grown beast o the jungle it was crazy cool after that we went back to Bangkok and did some dancing, playin round town and havin a couple of drinks here and there! We all then split our ways and then Kevin and I went to Vietnam together, we started in Hanoi where we met Hieu the local contact that my Halfmom, Ro connected me with. He was such a wonderful man and I was really lucky to have met him,
he showed us around and gave us many tips on where and what to do in the rest of Vietnam!! Quite the gentleman. Now Im in Nha Trang hangin out with two other Brit girls for the night and then I head to Saigon for the day then I leave for Bangkok again for the day. It is funny the time I have spent in Thailand showed me that Asian drivers can be a bit hairy and scary but here in Vietnam boy do they take the cake, I mean holly moly they really push the limit, passing with busses and trucks coming right at us and then going back into the proper lane. I am not that religious but man have I said my rossaries about every five minutes!!!!! Well its time to move on I fly to London outta Asia and into Euro land!! It should be great Ill be in London for two days and will see my cuz Sass and his wife Kissley, then I fly to Italy to hang with my ma for 3 weeks!!! How lucky am I to travel with my ma and how cool is she!!! Wish you were here pops!! Next year it will be you and me! Well I gotts to run now but till the next time!!! PS I have a new piece to my collection sorry mom and dad!! The pics are of my new collection, floating market, bridge over river Kwai, tiger temple, new friends, How Long Bay,Kevin me and Hieu, and a huge cave we went to.