Well it has been awhile, I did have a blog from a couple of days ago but the stupid site cut off and did not post the whole thing so Ill try and get everything out of the brain. To begin I guess I should say that it has been very, very busy. Assisting the airplanes has been fun and challenging, that’s where we work. Basically, there are two places to work, that is the airstrip and town. Hence, I have been working with the planes a lot, however, that just ended this week and now I will be working with in town doing a lot of pallet building and cargo deliveries, not as fun as the strip but a change. While I was out on the strip I was blessed with an amazing amount of views, whether they are landscapes or skyscapes or both. The atmosphere out there is much different than all that I had experienced last season. The only chances I had to be out of town were to clean the airstrip toilets, so now I just get to use them! Anyhoo, the time has been very good to me this time around, not as if that last was not it is just that I feel like I am getting the best of worlds, the outside and the culture. My goals are a little different this time around as well. I do not feel that need to separate myself from the groups as much, in that I was trying to go inwards and really look for some answers that seemed to have been eluding me. This time it is much more of enjoying the Antarctic lifestyle and experience that wild blue yonder, well wild white yonder as it is. The feeling of loneliness has not hit me yet, I know that it will, it hits us all everywhere and anywhere we are but for now I truly believe that my psyche is at an all time high, in that my self-esteem is really high and my ability to stay away from depression has been quite successful. My friendships here are doing great and I am making new ones everyday. I have been trying to get back into painting, if that’s what you call it, Eliott and I are about par, (Eliott for all you who do not know is my 4y/o nephew) still a lot of basic work to do but only practice will change that.
My crew mates are great we all meld quite well together, there is the young naïve 22y/o boy from Boulder, the 30 something funny as hell lesbian, the 42 y/o eclectic, the 30y/o other Seth, who is very cool and very articulate, and then the boss lady, 37 y/o Elizabeth, who has a lot to offer and is soooo funny and keeps us all happier than clams! Oh yeah and me as well, Hooch the guy who always has something to say and tries to employ comedy as much as possible! We make up a fun group of cats and are team name is something ya’ll gonna have to ask me personally on an email!
So last weekend was Halloween, or the party for it and it was quite a riot. My costume this year was one that I have worn before and brought it down from home to here. I had to shave my goatee to get truly into character and as my daddy always said “If you’re gonna do it, then do it right the first time” So I had to shave to make it work. My character was Richard Simmons and many a folk told me that it was scary how much I looked like him, you can judge for yourself. I actually got second in the costume contest, the winner was Groundskeeper Willie from the Simpson’s, and he actually shaved the middle of his hair to make that happen right, and he was my friend so I was ok with it but funny enough it is the second year in a row that I won by popular vote but lost by the judges (sound familiar). Last year it was the chili cook off and this year of course was Halloween. I guess I just have to know that I know what I’m doin, right! All in all it was a fun night and I was happy to make so many people laugh!
Since I have been down here there have been times where I thought that I was going to go crazy with the notion that I would have no physical contact with a woman, I’m too much of a person who relies on that contact to get by on a, say bi-yearly basis. I’m not saying that I have to be with a woman to enjoy being with a woman but I certainly enjoy the once in a while kiss and such. And so far it looks as if it will be quite awhile to have any contact with another. I guess sometimes that is just the way it is! We shall see, for now it will be just to enjoy the company of others. There one girl that I have been trying to find out what she is all about. I did find out from her co-worker that she has a thing for Jewish boys, score one for Seth! But as I said for now it is just to play it by ear and enjoy my time here! I do miss all you guys from back home, I was happy to have spent the time that I did with you! I promise to write individual emails and try and call you guys soon! Love ya, miss ya! Hooch is outta here. Till the next time!
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