Full TIlt Boogie!

So the weekend was awesome, (Dad, Mom and all who are older do not read any further). So I am the man of men supposedly. It started off with me getting a chance to cook for the 40-60 folk that attended the ATO department BBQ. I made steaks and chicken breasts or at least I marinated them and my boss and I cooked them. They were a hit and that kicked off the night, next was the cargo beer chuggin contest between the Kiwi's and the US teams, it constisted of two teams of five, the first four drink one beer then the anchor (me) drinks two then the other four drink one more. So of course the Kiwi's started off strong and were one man ahead goin on two, then it came to me, thank you high school for all those good years! Yup I drank two beers in ten seconds, it was pretty gross really but hey someone had to beat the Kiwi's! So I put em' down quick style brought us back and put us in the lead for good, yes we beat the Kiwi's! I got so many congratulations I felt like I was the quarterback who just won the game from behind, but in some sick and twisted way! The Americans nominated me for all beer drinkin contests in the future, we'll see. Anyway, after that I had to go home and shower for the big dance, 70's style, Oh Yeah, some of you have seen the outfit before some not, nonetheless, all I can say is polyester baby! The other fella is Mike my roomie and co-worker, very cool guy. So 10'oclock rolls and time to boogie, Mom and Dad you might have had me just about 10 years too late! According to the consensus of attendee's, I was the most in era goer! They said I was a genuine Travolta, sorry Dad have to say this one goes to Mom, my boogie down production goes to her and well maybe a little to you for style, but the rhythm, well nuff said. So it was a smashing success of a weekend and now I have become the talk of the town, but hey Im just bein me. So I feel I deserve I can strut my stuff. Anyhoo, that was the weekend and well let's just say Sunday was a very slow day! But hey I earned it once again in a sick and twisted way, now Mother this is a once in a blue moon occassion so do not worry! Now onwards!
So today was the first day of shifts, 6 to 6, could be rough at times but for the first day it was awesome. It was 30-45 below all day long and was so pumped to play in the tractors and get things moving I was not even cold at all. I get so clothed up every morning and have so many more clothes it would be hard to get completely frozen, just think the movie The Christmas Story, yup I'm the kid who's mom dresses him up in so many layers of clothes that my arms don't go down, but hey my ass is warm and that is what counts!
The morning started off beautiful, so I took a picture of the mountains and some of the dorms. Then after workin in the "yard", the place where we stage all the cargo before it goes on planes, I went to the runway to wait for a plane to come in it was even colder out there bout 50 below, oh yeah baby that's Antarctica for ya, nothin like freezin your snot as soon as it comes out the ol' noser! Soon I'll send some snotsicles pics but they were not the best today but still pretty crusty! Hope your all enjoyin the commentary but Antarctica is not for the weak in anyway, shape or form, even when it comes to dribblin snot down the face! Ok I'll stop now. So after gettin the plane in and on the ground it was go time for the cargo team, that's me and my crew, pics will soon follow, for now just know we kicked ass today, nice and smooth and most of all safe!!! It was sooooo exhilerating I can't even describe it. I was so pumped up the whole time getting things all set and ret! Just another day in paradise, FULL TILT BOOGIE style though that is what cargo is all about, not for the slow, lazy folk but the hard ass workin folk! So I feel bad ass right now sorry, but hey that is what I guess what comes with the territory! Anyhoo, this was just Monday wonder what Tuesday will be like! Till the next time, Ciao.
Congrats on the drinking victory over the Kiwis....who knew it was possible? Those guys are professionals! Love the blog...
PS.. is that cargo Dave from Maryland in the picture????
Carry on.....
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